Final Chance: Absurd Person Singular

If you haven’t listened to the once thought lost BBC Radio adaptation of Alan Ayckbourn’s Absurd Person Singular, you need to hurry.

The 1977 adaptation – starring Christopher Godwin as Sidney Hopcroft – is only available on BBC Sounds until Friday 28 June. So if you haven’t made time for it, you’ve not got long to catch this little piece of rare history.

First broadcast on Saturday Night Theatre on BBC Radio 4 on 5 March 1977, this adaptation of Absurd Person Singular has never been repeated and was presumed lost with next to no details known about it.

It’s also slightly unusual in that it was directed and adapted by Kay Patrick who added her own dialogue to Act II in order for it to make sense on radio.

For anyone familiar with the play, the character of Eva spends most of the act silently contemplating different ways to commit suicide. When Alan agreed to the adaptation, he also made it clear he didn’t want to add additional dialogue, leaving Kay to write it.

The radio adaptation stars Judy Parfitt as Marion, Stephen Murray as Ronald, Frances Heater as Eva, John Rowe as Geoffrey with Christopher Godwin as Sidney and Jane Knowles as Jane.

Hidden Treasures: Absurd Person Singular can be heard until 28 June on BBC Radio 4 Extra and BBC Sounds with further details here.

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